Privacy Policy

How we collect and use your personnal informations.

Last Update : 16/12/2019 10:55:00
1. About this Privacy Statement
This Privacy Statement of SOFT4DOC® aims to explain in a simple and transparent way what personal data we gather about you and how we process it. It applies to the following people :
  • All past, present and prospective SOFT4DOC® customers;
  • Anyone involved in any transaction with SOFT4DOC®, whether it’s in your personal capacity or as a representative of a legal entity (for example, a company manager, agent, legal representative, operational staff, etc.);
  • Non-SOFT4DOC customers such as payees or the contact persons of corporate clients.
"Personal data" refers to any information that tells us something about you or that we can link to you. This includes your name, address, account number and IP address. By "processing" we mean everything we can do with this data such as collection, recording, organisation, storage, adaptation, use, disclosure, transfer or erasure.

You share personal data with us when you:
  • Become a customer;
  • Register with our (online) services;
  • Sign a contract;
  • Use our products and services ; or
  • Contact us through one of our channels.
2. The types of Data we collect about you
The personal data we collect includes :
  • Identification data, such as your name, surname, date and place of birth, ID number, e-mail address and the IP address of your computer or mobile device;
  • Transaction data, such as your bank account number;
  • Your online behaviour and preferences data, such as the IP address of your mobile device or computer and the pages you visit on SOFT4DOC® websites;
  • Data about to your interests and needs that you share with us, for example when you contact us.
Sensitive Data

We do not record sensitive data relating to your health, ethnicity, philosophical, political opinion, religion or beliefs, trade union membership unless it is strictly necessary.
3. Use of your Personal Data
We only use your personal data under one of the following grounds :
  • To conclude and carry out our contract with you;
  • To comply with our legal obligations;
  • For our legitimate business interests. This data processing may be necessary to maintain good commercial relations with all our customers and other concerned parties;
  • When we have your consent. In this case, you may withdraw your consent at any time.
We may process your data for the following purposes:


For example, if you want to become one of our customers, we need your contact information, your adress, e-mail address or phone number to contact you.

Managing Customer Relationships

We may ask you for feedback about our products and services and share this with certain members of our staff to improve our offering. We might also use notes from conversations we have with you online, by telephone or in person to customize products and services for you.

Providing you with the best-suited products and services

When you visit our website, call our customer service centre or visit a branch we gather information about you. We analyse this information to identify your potential needs and assess the suitability of products or services.

Preventing and detecting fraud and data security

We have a duty to protect your personal data and to prevent, detect and contain data breaches.
We may process your personal information to protect you and your assets from fraudulent activities, for example if you are the victim of identity theft, if your personal data was disclosed or if you are hacked.
4. Your Rights and how we respect them
We respect your individual rights to determine how your personal information is used. These rights include :

Right to access information

You have the right to ask us for an overview of your personal data that we process.

Right to rectification

If your personal data is incorrect, you have the right to ask us to rectify it.

Right to object to processing

You can object to SOFT4DOC® using your personal data for its own legitimate interests. We will consider your objection and stop processing your data unless we assess that we have legitimate and imperious reasons that justify processing your data.
You can also object to SOFT4DOC® using your personal data for statistical purposes.

Right to restrict processing

You have the right to ask us to restrict using your personal data for the period necessary to SOFT4DOC® for its verifications if :
  • You believe the information is inaccurate or we are processing the data unlawfully;
  • You have objected to us processing your data for our own legitimate interests. You have the same right if SOFT4DOC® no longer needs the data, but you want us to keep it for use in a legal claim.
Right to data portability

You have the right to ask us to transfer some of your personal data directly to you or to another company. This applies to personal data we process by electronic means and with your consent or on the basis of a contract with you. Where technically feasible, we will transfer your personal data.

Right to erasure

Unless required by law, you may ask us to erase your personal data if :
  • We no longer need it for its original purpose;
  • You withdraw your consent for processing it;
  • You object to us processing your data for our own legitimate interests (except for legitimate and compelling interests);
  • SOFT4DOC® unlawfully processes your personal data ; or
  • A law of the European Union or a member state of the European Union requires SOFT4DOC® to erase your personal data.
Right to complain

Should you not be satisfied with the way we have responded to your concerns you have the right to submit a complaint to us. If you are still unhappy with our reaction to your complaint, you can escalate it to the Data Protection Officer (DPO) of SOFT4DOC®. You can also contact the Belgian data protection authority.

Exercicing your rights

If you want to exercise your rights, you can already access and amend some of your personal data when you log in on your session.

You can also exercise your rights by contacting us (see section "Contact us").

We aim to respond to your request as quickly as possible. In some instances this could take up to one month. Should we require more time to complete your request, we will let you know how much longer we need and provide reasons for the delay.

In certain legal cases, we may deny your request. If it’s legally permitted, we will let you know in due course why we denied it.

5. Your Duty to provide Data
There is information that we must know about you to respect our contractual duties. Without this information, it is possible that we may not be able to offer or execute all or part of our services.
6. Protection of your Personal Data
We apply an internal framework of policies and minimum standards across all our business to keep your data safe. These policies and standards are periodically updated to keep them up to date with regulations and market developments. More specifically and in accordance with the law, we take appropriate technical and organizational measures (policies and procedures, IT security etc.) to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your personal data and the way it’s processed.

In addition, SOFT4DOC® employees are subject to confidentiality and may not disclose your personal data unlawfully or unnecessarily.
7. What you can do to help us keep your Data Safe
We do our utmost best to protect your data, but there are certain things you can do as well :
  • Install anti-virus software, anti-spyware software and a firewall. Keep them updated.
  • Do not leave equipment and tokens (e.g. bank card) unattended.
  • Report the loss or theft of your codes and means of access to SOFT4DOC.COM immediately.
  • Log off from online apps when you are not using it.
  • Keep your passwords strictly confidential and use strong passwords.
  • Be alert online and learn how to spot unusual activity, such as a new website address or phishing e-mails requesting personal information.
8. How long we keep your Personal Data
We are only allowed to keep your personal data for as long as it’s still necessary for the purpose we initially required it. After this we look for feasible solutions, like archiving it.

When assessing how long to keep personal data, retention requirements might be stipulated by other applicable laws.

Kept personal data can serve as legal evidence in litigation, but we will not use such personal data actively. Retention periods may depend on circumstances.

9. Contact Us
If you have questions, want to know more about SOFT4DOC®’s data policies and how we use your personal data, you can primarily contact us through our usual channels by :
  • Connecting to your session and sending us a message with a reference to "Privacy" ;
  • Calling us +32 (0)460 24 24 48 ; or
  • Sending us an e-mail referencing « Privacy » to;
In case of disagreement or complaints related to the processing of your personal data, you can send us a request with "Privacy" as reference via :
  • Letter: SOFT4DOC SPRL, Avenue Emile Francqui 6/3rd Floor, B-1435 Mont-Saint-Guibert
  • E-mail:
When you contact us we will have to identify you before carrying out your request.

The contact details of the Belgian Data Protection Authority are as follows :

Rue de la presse 35, 1000 Bruxelles
Phone : +32 (0)2 274 48 00
Fax : +32 (0)2 274 48 35
E-mail :
10. Scope of this Privacy Statement
This is the Privacy Statement of SOFT4DOC® :

Avenue Emile Francqui 6/3rd Floor
B-1435 Mont-Saint-Guibert
TVA : BE 0686.801.570

We may amend this Privacy Statement to remain compliant with any changes in law and/or to reflect how our business processes personal data.

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"Located in the most innovative business park in Belgium, Soft4Doc is a Belgian company that aims to be innovative and to listen to its customers. Founded by a team of doctors and engineers with extensive field experience, it designs online management and planning tools for hospitals groups and medical departments..."
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