
Degressive and customizable offers to exactly meet your medical staff needs.

For a department of reasonable size and based on a single site
1 user
1 site
25 employees
3 on-call lists
Manager dashboard
Customizable staff and department
Room and demand manager
Staff availability and absences
On-call lists and recovery days
Workload calculation
Automatic or manual scheduler
Staff balancing assistant
Exportable and shareable planning
Personal profile for each employee
Metrics and personal statistics
Availabilities saved by employees
Days off request tool
Days off acceptance/refusal assistant
Task exchange/donation tool
Control and monitoring of well-being
Wishes and personal requests
Weekly personal timeline
Exportable employee schedule
SMS Notifications
Custom features
Assisted start-up
Service optimization (consultancy)
7d/7d support
For a large department and based on one or more sites
Multi user
5 sites
150 employees
15 on-call lists
Manager dashboard
Customizable staff and department
Room and demand manager
Staff availability and absences
On-call lists and recovery days
Workload calculation
Automatic or manual scheduler
Staff balancing assistant
Exportable and shareable planning
Personal profile for each employee
Metrics and personal statistics
Availabilities saved by employees
Days off request tool
Days off acceptance/refusal assistant
Task exchange/donation tool
Control and monitoring of well-being
Wishes and personal requests
Weekly personal timeline
Exportable employee schedule
SMS Notifications
Custom features
Assisted start-up
Service optimization (consultancy)
7d/7d support
For a complex department requiring our app, support and customized functions
Multi user
Unlimited sites
Unlimited employees
Unlimited on-call lists
Manager dashboard
Customizable staff and department
Room and demand manager
Staff availability and absences
On-call lists and recovery days
Workload calculation
Automatic or manual scheduler
Staff balancing assistant
Exportable and shareable planning
Personal profile for each employee
Metrics and personal statistics
Availabilities saved by employees
Days off request tool
Days off acceptance/refusal assistant
Task exchange/donation tool
Control and monitoring of well-being
Wishes and personal requests
Weekly personal timeline
Exportable employee schedule
SMS Notifications
Custom features
Assisted start-up
Service optimization (consultancy)
7d/7d support
MD Management fit every medical department

Contact us for a demo !

Discover the potential and all the features of our online tool with a free demo

Compatible with all web browsers

Firefox Safari Chrome Edge

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"Located in the most innovative business park in Belgium, Soft4Doc is a Belgian company that aims to be innovative and to listen to its customers. Founded by a team of doctors and engineers with extensive field experience, it designs online management and planning tools for hospitals groups and medical departments..."
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